Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Poem of the Week--Meditation on John Donne

Mediation on John Donne

This past week a long-time church member
Died suddenly, and while I did not know him well
I was shocked and saddened by his passing.
People at the church were as well, many of whom
Knew him much better than I did
And although we are "believers all who bear the name
Of Christ the living Lord" and live in that hope,
We still grieve
For a life cut short
For a family left behind
For friends who now have one less friend
And for ourselves.

And yet we rejoice
For a life well-lived
For family and friends whose lives were touched
For the world made a better place
By a life and presence.

And still we have hope
Hope as certain as a promise
As welcome as a warm day in winter
As real as tomorrow's sunrise

We grieve and
We rejoice and
We have hope.

--Dan Verner

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